Ventura Population 2024

The population of Ventura, United States of America (USA) is 108 891 for 2024. Ventura ranks 227 in terms of population in United States of America (USA) from 1561 cities. uses information from reliable sources. Find out the population of a country, city, district at

Population of Ventura

108 891 people Flag of United States of America (USA) Flag of United States of America (USA) Data for 2024
The site uses information from official sources and is updated every month. Some data may differ due to the lack of the latest census.


⚡ When was the population counted?

A population count in Ventura was carried out in 2024.

⚡ What place does Ventura have in terms of population in United States of America (USA)?

Ventura is ranked 227 in the city population ranking in United States of America (USA).

⚡ What place does Ventura have in terms of population in the world?

Ventura is ranked 2975 in the city population ranking in the world.